Golden Years’ Club 耆歡會
耆歡會是在兩堂合併前在雲高華華人協和教會已經有的團契。華語年長會眾於1976年在華埠教會樓下禮堂開始了這個每個星期三聚會的長者團契。 在兩堂合併的協議書上注明,華語教會原址會改建成為一所為低收入家庭及長者提供住宿服務的協和邨大厦。自從1993年開始,逢星期三耆歡會在協和邨舉行崇拜聚會,現由高一峯牧師主領。參與者都能彼此相愛、建立了很親密的關係,十分享受彼此間的情誼。 The Golden Years Club was one of the fellowships in the Chinese United Church before the amalgamation. In 1976, the senior Chinese-speaking congregation started this fellowship that took place every Wednesday at the lower hall of the church in Chinatown. In the agreement of the amalgamation, the old site of the Chinese United Church would be demolished. The old church site would be rebuilt to be a low-income and senior home called CUC Housing Society. From the year 1993 and onwards, the Golden Years Club has had their Wednesday worship gathering, now led by Rev. Everest Kao. They established close relationships with one another and have enjoyed their group very much.
Golden Years’ Club 耆歡會
The Golden Years Club was one of the fellowships in the Chinese United Church before the amalgamation. In 1976, the senior Chinese-speaking congregation started this fellowship that took place every Wednesday at the lower hall of the church in Chinatown.
In the agreement of the amalgamation, the old site of the Chinese United Church would be demolished. The old church site would be rebuilt to be a low-income and senior home called CUC Housing Society. From the year 1993 and onwards, the Golden Years Club has had their Wednesday worship gathering, now led by Rev. Everest Kao. They established close relationships with one another and have enjoyed their group very much.